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March 6, 2023
A Councilman's Misuse of an Official Logo
Ted Mayrhofen, newly elected Director of Mission Springs Water District, who was elected in a three-way race to the seat vacated by Steve Grasha who in turn was elected to the Desert Water Agency Board, has apparently told MSWD officials not to take or post his photo in the lobby along with the other Directors, or to put it on the MSWD web page either. His spot on the MSWD web page has an unnamed profile for a photo.
Which is why it was very surprising that his friend, City Councilman Russel Betts (who had formerly appointed Mayrhofen to the City Planning Commission) created a social media post using Mayrhofen’s photo. Mayrhofen’s photo was photoshopped with MSWD’s logo, and then posted on MSWD’s company Facebook page by Mr. Betts. That post was made to look like an official MSWD post because of the use of the MSWD logo. [BTW, the official logo of any City, Water District, or private business is property of that entity and cannot be used without permission.]
The post was up for a time on Monday morning 3/6/23, but mysteriously vanished later in the day. Whether Mr. Betts was asked to remove the post by MSWD staff or by Mr. Mayrhofen we’ll never know, but because nothing ever vanishes off the Internet, you can see it here.
Regardless, Ron’s Log wishes the MSWD director a belated happy birthday and we hope you’ll let MSWD take your picture for use on their website!
Filed under Politics | permalink | March 6, 2023 at 05:25 PM | Comments (0)
March 4, 2023
George Santos style shenanigans here in the Coachella Valley - part 1
What are we to make of these candidate statements from our past election? Who copied whom? Who wrote this statement? Were these candidates aware that someone else had the same statement? Was it stolen and copied?
As it turns out one of these people was elected - Amber Duff. We understand that she is a nice person (and is settling into her role as a new Director for Mission Springs Water District) and probably didn't steal it from Pettit nor Pettit from her. Perhaps it was written for one of them and also given to the other. Right now we are thinking this is the most likely scenario. If either of them knew that the other had the same statement they would have made MAJOR changes to the text and personalized it, not simply changed a couple of words. Thus, there was an outside author who probably wanted both to become elected and who acted as their campaign advisor. This person wrote the text, gave it to both with only a few words changed and different paragraph separations.
Voters did not know that these candidates had the same statement because they were running in separate Divisions and were not on the same ballot. There is nothing wrong with them having the same statement but it begs the question were they really engaged in their own campaign.
Perhaps Duff or Pettit will clarify...
Filed under Desert Hot Springs,Politics | permalink | March 4, 2023 at 04:31 PM | Comments (0)