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January 25, 2022
Who Could Want This?
The Digi Swap website. There's a video near the top of that page. Just watch it.
The idea is you take your old film SLR, remove its back, attach a chunk of machined aluminum that Digi Swap sells you, and to that machined aluminum thing you attach your iPhone on which you have installed the Digi Swap app. You set the ISO on the iPhone, but shutter speed and aperture are controlled on the SLR. You press the shutter release on the SLR to take a photo. Just to be perverse, I suppose, you then have to use the SLR's film advance lever before you can take another photo. Most of my film SLRs have automatic film advance, so I guess I'm just never going to get to enjoy all the wondrous benefits of this device, none of which I can think of right now.
It's not available for sale yet. There is no price estimate. I imagine the machined aluminum device will have to be customized to fit different SLRs. They say they are developing devices to fit medium format cameras as well as 35mm. They don't mention Android, so they may not be planning to expand beyond iPhones.
In a world where all film production ceased and all digital interchangeable lens cameras disappeared, you would still only need this device if you wanted to use some lenses that just couldn't be digitally faked on an iPhone. Extreme telephoto or wide-angle lenses come to mind, but maybe there are others.
Here's a brief article about it (with reader comments) on DPRview.com.
Digi Swap will be at the Camera and Photo Imaging Show 2022 (CP+) in Japan, if you want to see a demo, February 24 - 27.
Filed under Photography,Technology | permalink | January 25, 2022 at 07:49 PM
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