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December 5, 2021

Feds Trying To Kill Cadiz Water Project

"Federal authorities have moved [in federal court] to reverse a Trump administration decision that cleared the way for Cadiz Inc. to pipe water across public land in the California desert."

“Due to the lack of analysis, the [BLM] does not know the source of the water that will be transported through the pipeline and therefore could not have analyzed the potential impacts on the environment or historic properties of drawing down the water at its source,” [attorneys for the federal government] wrote. “Cadiz did not provide specific information about its plans, and the agency, nevertheless, proceeded to grant a right-of-way without knowing either the specifics of Cadiz’s plans or evaluating the potential impacts of Cadiz’s operations.”

Filed under California,Politics | permalink | December 5, 2021 at 09:11 AM


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