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November 10, 2021
Burning Man's Gatekeepers
A little (5 minutes) documentary about Gate, Perimeter & Exodus, a crew of volunteers at Burning Man that control and monitor Gate Road, the gate itself, and the entire perimeter of Black Rock City outside the trash fence. They are not the Greeters, an entirely separate, friendly, huggy crew of volunteers.
I volunteer for Box Office, which is most certainly not GP&E, but we are friendly neighbors. The two camps are adjacent inside Black Rock City and we Box Office people walk over to GP&E to catch their bus out to the gate where our Box Office is also located. For me, the hugest difference between the two crews is that in Box Office I get to sit inside an air conditioned room for six hours while I work. GP&E volunteers work outdoors for six hours in whatever kind of weather the Black Rock Desert decides to dish out. The only break they might get would happen if weather (a dust or rain storm, usually) got so bad they had to actually stop all traffic.
Filed under Burning Man | permalink | November 10, 2021 at 03:14 PM
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