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October 20, 2021

Clark County Okays Tesla Tunnels For Las Vegas Strip

Clark county, Nevada, Commissioners, approved a 50-year franchise agreement with Boring Company to build an underground Tesla taxi system. "Boring’s plan calls for a mostly underground system operating mainly in the Resort Corridor with stations at various resorts and connections to Allegiant Stadium and UNLV." The airport, too? The article doesn't mention access to the airport. Maybe that would require renegotiating contracts with some unions and businesses first.

The best news about this tunnel plan is that the taxpayers are not paying for it. Boring Company will foot the bill. Hotels and resorts along the route that want to connect to the system will pay. Also, of course, passengers in the system will pay. Ultimately, fifty-one stations are planned. Boring Company must also get a similar agreement from the City of Las Vegas for the part of the route within city limits.

To make this succeed they are going to have to get it used in an adventure movie chase scene; a classy high budget film, like a Bond movie.

Filed under Technology | permalink | October 20, 2021 at 08:20 PM


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