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April 3, 2021

Downtown Desert Hot Springs

I continue to add photos to my Downtown DHS account. Here are a few recent ones.

Kali Certified Bike and Repair Shop (2)
Kali Certified Bike and Repair Shop on Palm Drive
, Kodak T-Max P3200 film, December 2020.

Palm Drive at Pierson Boulevard
The southeast corner of Palm & Pierson
, Lomography Berlin Kino film, February 2021.

Dinosaur Sculpture at Casa Blanca Restaurant
At Casa Blanca
, Lomography Berlin Kino film, February 2021. I don't know if this is a genuine Ricardo Brecera or an imitator.

66011 Pierson Boulevard (26)
The tiny building on the southeast corner of Pierson Boulevard and West Drive has been demolished
, Lomography Fantôme Kino film, February 2021.

Filed under Coachella Valley,Desert Hot Springs,Photography | permalink | April 3, 2021 at 06:32 PM


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