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March 28, 2021

Four In Boston

Boston's Back Bay Viewed From A Beacon Street Penthouse (1)
The view from a Beacon Street penthouse
, Kodachrome, 1989.

Wilted Cactus Flower (1)
Wilting cactus bloom on my windowsill in Boston
, Agfa Scala, sometime in the 1990s. This cactus survived the move to California and is now THRIVING in my back yard.

Blanchard's (2)
Blanchard's Liquors in Allston
, Agfa Scala, also sometime in the 1990s.

Looking West (Upstream) From The BU Bridge
Nighttime view of Allston and the Charles River upstream from the BU Bridge
, Agfa Scala, 1990s.

Filed under Photography | permalink | March 28, 2021 at 05:54 PM


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