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March 18, 2020
Shot in the Coachella Valley: "They Made Me A Criminal"
I just happened to run across They Made Me A Criminal (from 1939) on the local OTA movie channel one night a couple of weeks ago. I was surprised to see a sequence that was obviously shot in the Coachella Valley, as Mt. San Jacinto can be clearly identified. I got the DVD from Netflix and grabbed that short bit to share below. After walking to a date grove, star John Garfield settles in romancing the blonde lady who owns the grove and teaching some east coast juvenile delinquents (played by The Dead End Kids) boxing. All is paradise until Claude Rains shows up.
IMDB identifies the shooting location as "Palm Desert, California," but nothing of Palm Desert existed in 1939.
Filed under California,Coachella Valley,Film/Movies,History | permalink | March 18, 2020 at 05:11 PM
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