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January 5, 2020
Some Infrared Photos
Most digital cameras filter out infrared light before it gets to the sensor. The early Canon Powershot G cameras (G1, G2 and G3), however, allowed some through. I used to have a G3 and all I needed to do was put on a deep red filter to take infrared photos. But the G3 was stolen. Some years later I acquired a used G2 to do the same thing, but it was old and had a few burned out pixels. Those are easy to fix in editing if you've only got one photo, but it gets pretty tiresome to fix the same 12 tiny specks on every photo if you've got a lot to edit, so I haven't used it in a long time.
Last month, I acquired a Canon G12 from LifePixel that they converted to shoot infrared. They remove whatever internal infrared filter there is and then install an internal deep red filter. I already had a regular G12, so I was completely familiar with the camera and the two cameras could share some equipment. Here are some of the resulting photos:
The Amtrak station in Palm Springs.
New housing behind the Target.
At Pioneertown Mountains Preserve.
A cholla at Pioneertown Mountains Preserve.
Filed under Cactus,California,Coachella Valley,Desert Hot Springs,Photography | permalink | January 5, 2020 at 08:01 PM