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June 8, 2017
Queer Burner Retreat
Over Memorial Day weekend I returned to Saratoga Springs, this time for what used to be called the "Queer Burner Retreat," but has been renamed to the meaningless "All Of Us." As a result we got one paying guest who feeling the need for a meditative weekend Googled and found Saratoga Springs, which led her to "All Of Us." She read no further, knowing that she must be one of us. She submitted her credit card and showed up to be rather surprised to find a Burner party underway. She stayed one night and then escaped.
Dan Reeves, the artist behind The Journey Project.
About one-quarter of the Journey Project.
The well-known colors of Comfort & Joy, the biggest gay camp at Burning Man.
The jacuzzi, all fresh and clean when I arrived.
After a couple of days of hard use.
On the front porch of the main lodge.
A new fire escape and an entirely new deck!
The complete set of photos can be seen here.
Filed under Art,Burning Man,California,Gay Issues,Photography | permalink | June 8, 2017 at 07:53 PM
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