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April 11, 2017
To Report Graffiti In Joshua Tree National Park: [email protected]
Joshua Tree National Park as well as many other parks across the country, has experienced a notable increase in visitation in recent years. With that increase also means an increase of graffiti and acts of intentional vandalism within the park. Superintendent David Smith says, “99% of visitors are respectful and truly appreciate the pristine scenery the park has to offer. Unfortunately there are visitors who feel it necessary to damage what Mother Nature has produced."The park, in its efforts to more closely monitor and mitigate graffiti, is asking for the public’s help and providing some easy ways for visitors to aid in the process. Park officials ask visitors to report incidents of graffiti that they encounter to a new email address, [email protected]. In addition, new graffiti reporting forms will be available at park visitor centers and entrance stations. Keep in mind, when reporting graffiti; to provide a good, detailed description of the location. Photos and GPS coordinates are also very helpful in order to insure a quick response.
Joshua Tree National Park is a magical and unique landscape. Your vigilance and taking a few moments to report graffiti that you happen upon will insure that the park stays that way.
Filed under California | permalink | April 11, 2017 at 06:56 PM
I live above Sunfair camps. One morning not too long ago, 2 young ladies were taking photos near a graffiti site shack & abandoned motorhome.New graffiti was on it.Ltr.omw home, I saw the same grey silver SUV ,the 2 were taking pics at the dinosaur on 62 west of the Hwy Patrol/ Chips/ hospital. I'm did not see any graffiti but, the first time I saw them, the side doors of the Suv were open & I wondered if they had just then,done the Sunfair graffiti.
Posted by: Shirley White at Feb 26, 2020 4:39:26 PM
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