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March 4, 2016

New Camera in Death Valley

A short time ago I acquired a GitUp Git 2 camera, yet another inexpensive action camera ($160 at Amazon). It has a few features that GoPro still does not offer: image stabilization, user control of color saturation, white balance, and ISO.

So I headed up to the flower bloom that's going on in Death Valley, taking along a few of my collection of action cameras. I was really surprised at how very much better the video from the GitUp was than from other cameras. I did have the color saturation set to vivid, which I don't usually do. And it was shooting at 1080p 60fps, which I simply don't have available on another camera. Upon seeing the video I thought it was good enough to post it with no color editing at all. I just removed the wind noise and added music (you can listen to your own, if you don't like my choices) and I edited out the bits where I pulled to the side of the road a few times. The route is northbound on Badwater Road, then east on 190.

The flowers were mostly yellow, but there's a lot of purple too, and some white. Occasionally the roadside may appear to have a reddish-brown cast that could make you think the landscapers had put down some colored rock there, until you realized Death Valley is not landscaped — well, at least not by humans. The color comes from very tiny flowers on plants that are that color.


Set it to 1080p, please, and full screen.

Filed under California,GoPro,Photography | permalink | March 4, 2016 at 08:23 PM


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