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August 24, 2015

Thunderdome In Spherical Virtual Reality

This is the best video for conveying the atmosphere of Thunderdome. You can scroll around, up and down, while the video is running. And that's Thunderdome. Too bad they didn't get them chanting "Two may enter, one may leave." And while we're wishing for that, how come Tina Turner has never come to Burning Man and put in an appearance at the Thunderdome?

Obviously, a lot of stuff at Burning Man was inspired by the earlier Mad Max films, but the most recent Mad Max seemed to be inspired by Burning Man.

This is not the latest Mad Max. This was made from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

Filed under Burning Man,Film/Movies,Music,Photography | permalink | August 24, 2015 at 09:53 PM


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