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August 26, 2015
Pumpkin Spice Latte M&Ms Get Free Advertising On Snopes
Snopes' verdict is that they do exist, they do.
I pop one into my mouth, chew, and then immediately shovel a whole handful into my gaping maw. Regardless of your religion’s stance on the existence of the Great Pumpkin, you’d better believe that these suckers are real -— real tasty, that is.
If you’re expecting the strong, earthy, bitterness of espresso, you’ll be disappointed. Instead, the coffee taste of the chocolate here is a sweet, lightly nutty java experience with faint caramel notes. Accompanied by a tinge of cocoa and a heaping helping of milk chocolate’s dairy creaminess, it’s akin to one of those bottled Starbucks Chocolate Mocha Frappuccinos.
The reviewer says he found his at a Target store.
Filed under Food and Drink | permalink | August 26, 2015 at 03:24 PM
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