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February 26, 2015

Good News!

You know how you thought that when you died and went to heaven you'd be able to have unlimited Girl Scout cookies all year long? The good news is that now you don't have to die! Coming soon, the Girl Scout Cookie Oven ($60) and cookie mixes ($7). It comes with the Thin Mint mix, and you will be able to buy mixes for Trefoils, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Chocolate Chip, Sugar, Oatmeal and Tagalongs.

The oven will be available in time for Christmas 2015. The press release gives the prices for the mixes as $15 each! If that's the case, it would be cheaper to just steal a truckload of Girl Scout cookies and rent a big cold storage place to keep them in. If money means nothing to you, there will also be a Girl Scout Cookie Stand for $80 with which you can, like, sell cookies. I would suggest you just get something like this basic folding card table for under $38, take it out to the curb in front of your house and sell your homemade Girl Scout cookies until the trademark police come along and shut you down.

Filed under Food and Drink | permalink | February 26, 2015 at 01:37 PM


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