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May 12, 2014

At The Austin Reggae Fest

A video from a rare and dedicated videographer. Some young, not bad looking guy got totally naked at the Austin Reggae Fest. "B2TheJ Howard" captured good clear video for more than 5 minutes. The nudist seems to be happy and in good spirits, but as you watch you'll see him touch women who do not want to be touched and at one point he walks backward across somebody's blanket and just rudely kicks something out of the way.

When the cops finally showed up and the naked guy took off running, our videographer chased along, still getting good video! Go to 3:10. Notice the dude (that is the correct technical term) sitting in the chair just inches from the wrestling match between the cops and the naked guy. Everybody else has cleared back away, but he stays seated. What is that on his lap that is so valuable?

Austin Reggae Fest
Austin Reggae Fest closeup

I hope it doesn't spoil your enjoyment if I tell you the doper spilled none of his weed and went home a free man. The naked guy did not enjoy similar good fortune.

Filed under Marijuana,Music,Naturism-Nudism | permalink | May 12, 2014 at 08:13 AM


Thinking about the dude sitting - it just shows that the 'freeze' technique works well even for humans.

Many animals will freeze if they spot a predator or other threat, rather than risk drawing further attention to themselves.

So this photo shows that using pot is natural and makes you smart ;)

Posted by: Darr Sandberg at May 13, 2014 12:39:11 PM

Weed at a Reggae Fest? No way!!

Posted by: Russ at May 13, 2014 7:54:30 AM

good coverage....think the camera holder was a gay man? he sure focused on some good parts.

Posted by: Andy Cardenas at May 12, 2014 11:17:41 PM

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