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January 6, 2014

Riverside County Sheriff's Department Switches To Digital Radio

Press Release: Public Safety Enterprise Communication: County-Wide Public Safety Radio System Implementation Agency: Public Safety Enterprise Communication (PSEC) Station Area: Riverside County Written Date: 01-06-14 Time: 9:00 AM Incident Location: Riverside County Reporting Officer: Lieutenant E. Briddick Details:

Since 1992, the Riverside Sheriff's Department has operated an 800 MHz analog radio system. In spite of the County's best efforts, the system could not keep up with the demands of the County's population growth and the technical evolution and requirements of the Department. In 2005, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved collaboration between the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, Riverside County Fire, Riverside County Information Technology (RCIT), and the Riverside County Economic Development Agency (EDA). The goal of the collaboration was to provide Riverside County with a robust, expansive, and technology driven, county-wide public safety radio system through which Sheriff and Fire would be able to communicate. The collaboration was designated as Public Safety Enterprise Communication (PSEC).

In 2007, after a detailed and thorough Request for Proposal process (RFP), Motorola was awarded the contract to build and deliver the PSEC radio system. Representatives from Sheriff, Fire, RCIT, and Motorola worked together to design and eventually build a 700 MHz digital radio system. As a result, seventy-five radio sites throughout the county have been constructed, providing enhanced radio coverage throughout the county as well as dramatically increasing the ability for Sheriff and Fire to effectively communicate.

The new system is comprised of the latest technical advances, placing cutting edge technology in the hands of sheriff's deputies and firefighters. The new PSEC system will bridge previous communication gaps and perform to the nationwide standards set by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO). In essence, Riverside County first responders will have enhanced levels of interoperability with other police and fire agencies throughout the county, including surrounding counties and other areas of Southern California. Past events have proven communication of this level is necessary during large-scale events and emergency situations.

On January 5, 2014, the Riverside Sheriff's Department was fully integrated onto the PSEC system. Each Sheriff's deputy is now communicating with new mobile and portable radio equipment. They are experiencing the benefit of communicating on a system with enhanced interoperability platforms and greater geographical radio coverage. It is anticipated the PSEC system will provide a reliable and robust public safety communication system for decades to come.

For any questions pertaining to the PSEC radio project, please contact the PSEC office at (951) 955-0561. Additional information regarding the PSEC project can also be found at this web link, http://psec.co.riverside.ca.us/.

Filed under California,Coachella Valley,Desert Hot Springs | permalink | January 6, 2014 at 06:53 PM


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