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December 13, 2013

California Population Rising

California's population is estimated at 38.2 million by the California Department of Finance. That's an increase of 332,000 in a year. More than a quarter of the state's population lives in Los Angeles County - that's 10,019,365 people.

Riverside County grew by 0.8% to 2,267,760.

"Domestic" migration, that is migration between California and any other part of the USA, is still negative statewide except in the Bay Area.

The population of all nine Bay Area counties adds up to 7,385,705 which is a bit more than 19% of the population.

If you feel like adding Orange County into the Los Angeles figure, the OC's population is 3,104,680.

A collection of maps illustrating the changes in population throughout the state is avaialable here.

California Population Changes 2013

Filed under California | permalink | December 13, 2013 at 11:57 AM


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