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November 24, 2013


First I came across this music video which seems to be four hours of individuals dancing and lip-synching (with professional skills) to a simple, happy little tune that just keeps cycling over and over. It is surprisingly easy to watch. The first hour appears to have been shot at the Super A Foods in Eagle Rock.

But it turns out this is just a small part of a project to produce a 24-hour music video featuring that little tune. Here it is: 24HoursOfHappy.com. It has a handy interface that shows you the time of day and allows you to move to other parts of the day. One is satisfied that many young dancers in Los Angeles were kept well occupied for a day.

Is that Steve Carrell starting at 5:08 PM? Yes, yes it is. Now I'm going to have to watch the whole thing without skipping to see if any other celebrities join in.

Filed under Music,Photography | permalink | November 24, 2013 at 06:33 PM


This is awesome!

Posted by: Michael R. Burke at Nov 25, 2013 9:33:48 AM

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