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November 24, 2013
Great LA Walk 2013
Download the Google Earth file here if you want to see more detail (let me know if that doesn't work for you as I haven't tried sharing a kmz file before).
The Great LA Walk yesterday was officially 18 miles, but I got 18.9 on my GPS (I always get more). It went fast - they say it went fast for everyone. This is the first time I've done the walk where it was still daylight when I entered Santa Monica. There was even still a halfway decent sunset dying when I reached the ocean.
There was no rain because I carried an umbrella this time. The single biggest challenge was paying my parking fee in Santa Monica because the machine switched from English to Spanish midway through the transaction and I could find no way to change it back. I think I paid 14 pesetas.
Other walkers who apparently have no need to eat or rest have already started uploading their photos. You can see them here. Mine will take a little time.
Here's a photo shot by our Glorious Leader at our start spot in Echo Park. I am way at the back, just below the little boathouse, wearing an orange cap with the GoPro on top of my head.
Filed under California,Cities/Urbanism,GoPro | permalink | November 24, 2013 at 01:07 PM
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