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November 27, 2013

About Those Drugged Up Naked Burners

You know how there are articles and videos from Burners who talk about their first time and say something like "I thought it was going to be nothing but drunk, naked hippies running around, but it was so much more!" It was art, it was spiritual, it was renewing and cleansing, yadda yadda.

Well, in this article we hear from those damn, drunk naked people who run around at Burning Man. Yeah, you bet it's NSFW.

Jessica Gentile talks about the Dr. Bronner's camp:

They have a big tent. And the best music. So you go in and you get naked and you’re all dusty and dirty with a bunch of other naked people and there’s this big plexi glass chamber that looks like a gas chamber and it had metal grates on the top and on the bottom and a super hot naked dude that looks like Jesus—WWJDM: When Will Jesus Do Me—is herding all the naked people into this gas chamber of joy. Then all these people with hoses start hyping you and getting you to dance and when you dance enough they spray you with magical lavendar Dr. Bronner foam and you just get covered in it, and everyone is like blissfully laughing and screaming. I was scared to open my eyes because I thought it would sting so I was just bouncing off all of these foamy naked people in a big tank. Then I rubbed my eyes and opened them and it didn’t sting at all and I have never seen any group of people so happy in my life. It was awesome. It was like when you show a puppy snow, but the puppy is actually a fucking guy with a hemp necklace.

Her advice for first time Burners: "light a cigarette in your butt then make someone in the crowd take it and smoke it."

Filed under Burning Man | permalink | November 27, 2013 at 06:47 PM


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