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May 14, 2013

But if this doesn't work...

...then aluminum foil hats probably don't prevent the government from transmitting thoughts into my brain!

Kerry Lee Bobo, from Atwater, California, put a taser and a loaded handgun in his checked baggage at SFO. He had wrapped the gun in aluminum foil "to thwart baggage personnel from stealing it." It's possible he thought that aluminum had some magic power that frightened away baggage handlers, or maybe most baggage handlers belong to some religion that considers aluminum to be unclean and therefore untouchable. But it's more likely he thought that x-rays couldn't penetrate aluminum foil. If that were the case, then the radiology technician would lay a feather light sheet of aluminum foil over your vital parts instead of that heavy lead apron they actually use. But there's very little evidence that two thoughts ever follow each other in sequential orderly fashion in the minds of people like Mr. Bobo. His explanation for the gun itself was that in Amsterdam he would connect to a fly to Nairobi and he would need the gun to protect himself from the wild animals in Kenya. It is my understanding that if you wrap up pieces of those Kenyan animals in aluminum foil and put them on a grill they can be quite tasty...and harmless.

Filed under Nutjobs | permalink | May 14, 2013 at 12:59 PM


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