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July 4, 2012

ACLU Police Apps

The New Jersey ACLU is offering an Android app (iPhone version coming soon) that helps you to record police interactions more discreetly. User reviews suggest that it is a bit buggy on some phones. The resulting video is stored in some less than likely spot on your phone, it seems, which is designed to frustrate the police, but frustrates some users too.

The New York Civil Liberties Union offers a similar app, but it works in NYC only. One wonders if it uses GPS so precisely that it shuts down if you leave the five boroughs, or what. You can stop the NYC video by shaking the phone. This seems to be a design flaw, since all a cop has to do to stop it would be to knock the phone out of your hand.

OTOH, it's got a social feature that will alert you if someone else in your vicinity has started to use the app. In version 2, you will be able to filter those alerts so that you get them only if the person recording meets your criteria: single female, hunky gay, whatever. "Hey, babe, I see you're fighting injustice too! Wanna get a coffee?"

A look at the ACLUs of Southern California and Northern California suggests that we here must still rely on quick fingers and possibly quicker feet.

Filed under Libertarianism,Photography | permalink | July 4, 2012 at 08:42 PM


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