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December 26, 2011

Gary Johnson Offically Going With Libertarian Party

His refusal to align himself with the standard Republican Presidential candidate hate-mongering has failed to get him a toehold in the primary campaigns, so Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico, has announced that he will forego the Republican nomination and seek the Libertarian Party nomination instead. Of course, the fact that his views are pretty similar to Ron Paul's hasn't helped his campaign. There's only room for one tolerance-monger among the Republican leaders. His political views include opposition to the Patriot Act, support for free-market capitalism, abolition of the Federal Reserve, a complete opposition to legislative earmarking of budget items (preferring to keep all that power in White House, I guess), allowing states to determine whether abortions would be legal or not, an end to the war on drugs, ending all government regulation of marriage, and a promise to appoint only judges who interpret the Constitution "according to its original meaning" which, without further clarification, means to me a support for terminating equal rights, restoring slavery and counting slaves and Indians as three-fifths of a person.

Filed under Gay Issues,Libertarianism | permalink | December 26, 2011 at 05:22 PM


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