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February 27, 2011

Libertarian to Classical Liberal

A very interesting article by Marc Adler about his journey from Ayn Rand libertarianism to classical liberalism.

As [Chris] Hedges admonishes in his latest Death of the Liberal Class, authentic, classical liberalism is the only political force that can check corporations because it assumes that power craves power, as Shakespeare teaches. Tragically, today's mainstream liberalism, together with our president, has by and large sold itself out to corporate paymasters—witness the Huffington Post/AOL buyout, the Times' and New Yorker's fear-driven support for the Iraq War and Obama's capitulations to Wall Street, the insurance industry and war profiteers—leaving us with a shattered economy, an angry populace susceptible to the emergence of a radical charismatic leader and corporations with enough power to impose classical fascism on the population if force becomes the only option left to preserve the system.

Filed under Libertarianism | permalink | February 27, 2011 at 08:35 PM


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