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February 9, 2011

Iowa Senate Majority Leader Gronstal On Marriage Rights

A video interview in the Des Moines Register:

I'm not going to put to a vote of the people anybody's constitutional rights. Because if I can do that to gay people, I can do it to Catholics, I can do it to Methodists, I can do it to Baptists, I can do it to blacks, I can do it to Hispanics. If I can put to a vote of the people, people's constitutional rights, then you may be popular today - old white guys like us might be popular today and our rights will be fine - but someday the baby boom will be gone and there won't be enough old white guys left to protect us from the tyranny of the majority.

Filed under Gay Issues,Libertarianism | permalink | February 9, 2011 at 05:27 PM


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