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January 11, 2011

The Political Spectrum

You've seen this if you've ever passed by a Libertarian Party recruitment table at a political rally. It's a more meaningful way of displaying the political spectrum than the standard left-right line we usually use. The left is usually good on civil liberties and bad on property rights. The right is the opposite. But in the last 10 years things have gotten all wacky.

World's Smallest Political Quiz
The axis they label "Personal Issues Score" would more accurately be identified as "Civil Liberties Score." The "Economic Issues Score" is okay that way or could be called "Property Rights Score." This graph puts fascists and communists together in the lower quadrant. They do have a lot in common, even though the usual left-right perspective puts them at opposite ends of the spectrum. Libertarians are in the top quadrant.

Clicking on the graph above will take you to a brief quiz (10 questions) that will generate a graph with a red dot showing your place on it.

Filed under Libertarianism | permalink | January 11, 2011 at 11:03 PM


I'm with Russ, a boring centrist--just slightly left and low.

Posted by: Designer Jim O at Jan 18, 2011 8:50:05 PM

The diamond-chart map of politics definitely seems way more accurate than the traditional left-right line.

This site has an expanded set of questions which I think makes it an even more accurate barometer of where people stand politically:


Posted by: Starchild at Jan 13, 2011 1:36:08 AM

You can plot where other people would land on that scale. I'm not that motivated.

Posted by: Ron's Log at Jan 12, 2011 11:27:24 AM

Regarding our previous commentary as it relates to this issue. Where do you think the dot would be for President Obama, Pelosi, Reed, Frank et.al? Take the test and answer the way you think they would if they took it. Interesting.

Posted by: Russ at Jan 12, 2011 12:20:07 AM

Took the Quiz. I'm a Centrist.

Posted by: Russ at Jan 12, 2011 12:14:07 AM

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