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October 14, 2010

Town Hall Forums For Mission Springs Water District Rate Increase

Got the postcard today. There will be two "Town Hall Presentation and Community Forums." First one is Thursday, October 21, 10 AM. Second one will be Tuesday, November 9 at 6:30 PM. Both take place in the board room at MSWD headquarters, 66575 2nd Street, enter from the rear, downstairs. Parking is also on the 1st Street side.

Those with good questions (e.g. "Why is water so expensive?") and comments (e.g. "I want my sewer!") are encouraged to attend. The ill-informed are especially encouraged to attend. If you are poorly informed, bear in mind that your neighbor probably knows even less. Poorly informed questions will be welcome (e.g. "Are we buying imported water?"). Those who write inflammatory, anonymous comments on various websites (e.g. "So-and-so should be fired!" or "The entire board should resign forthwith!") are begged to grow a pair, de-anonymize themselves and come with flames.

IOW, these moments of democracy are for everyone who has anything to say or ask about water and sewer in the Mission Springs Water District. What's your other choice? Sit at home and stew?

Filed under Desert Hot Springs | permalink | October 14, 2010 at 02:06 PM


My "last comment" was (if by last comment you mean the last thing I wrote in this post) "IOW, these moments of democracy are for everyone who has anything to say or ask about water and sewer in the Mission Springs Water District. What's your other choice? Sit at home and stew?"

I fail to see how that shows I've been bought out by anybody. Please clarify.

Posted by: Ron's Log at Oct 14, 2010 9:09:37 PM

so disappointed in your last comment ron herei believed you to call them as you see them looks like the districts high priced PR company has bought out your opinion too see you at the meetings maybe youll grow a set by then

Posted by: inhotwater at Oct 14, 2010 3:21:30 PM

thanks for the update ron hadnt got my postcard yet ill make sure im there not that i feel it will do any good. the district has been going downhill for the last 5 years as is evidenced by public records and past public forums where the disarray of the upper management and board have been quite apparent as well as your past posts of the board meetings i have the right to my opinion and i believe change should come from the top not the band aid cuts which leave the leadership in tack . the company i work for would have no problem starting at the top where the decisions are made and make changes from there for the betterment of the company not start at the bottom hope it gets better . isnt that Mr Wallums favorite quote we're in such a terrible time right now and i can only hope it gets better.

Posted by: concerned citizen at Oct 14, 2010 2:36:08 PM

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