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July 28, 2008

Dore Alley 2008 Links

The price of gas kept me away this year, and judging from San Francisco's weather yesterday, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much as usual. Here you can see a SFW photo showing the grey sky and the greater than usual amount of clothing worn by the attendees. That photo is by Frank Martin who provides here a link to the great number of photos he took which you can, apparently, view without any restriction whatsoever (except most are NSFW).

Some of this year's photos are already in the Dore Alley group on Flickr. There are more in the Dore Alley 2008 Flickr group, but you'll see even more if you just use this search for the most recent Dore Alley photos uploaded to Flickr [quite NSFW].

| permalink | July 28, 2008 at 09:44 AM


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