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March 28, 2008

"The Island" at North Shore

In response to some of my recent photos of the Albert Frey designed marina at North Shore on the Salton Sea, one reader called the building the "Aces and Spades" and said it was used in the film The Island. So I went and got a copy of the DVD from Greencine. It's got a great look, but it's got so many plot holes in it that I had to switch my mind to "swiss cheese" mode just to get through it. I was, however, glad to see that the little fictional desert town of "Yucca" which is somewhere near the Salton Sea will, in the not too distant future, get an absolutely gorgeous train station whose cost was probably nothing compared to the expense required to build that maglev train! Steve Buscemi is great and should be in every movie that is shot near the Salton Sea. He looks so at home there.

Anyway, if you are watching the movie to catch the bits filmed at North Shore, you'll have no trouble spotting them. You are alerted by the easily recognizable landmark motel:
North Shore Motel

Moments later we see the re-costumed facade of Frey's marina:
North Shore Marina

Filed under Film/Movies | permalink | March 28, 2008 at 03:08 PM


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