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August 30, 2006

Last Night in DHS

The three dinosaurs on the city council systematically removed Mayor Bias from all of his roles except the Mayorship itself, last night. It's not enough that they want to take the city down the tubes, they don't want anyone saying anything against them as they do it. They also decided not to fill Gary Bosworth's empty seat before the election for his spot next March.

But, in a very reassuring display of unanimity, the full council (4 of them) voted to affirm Karl Baker's appointment to the Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District.

Councilman Hank Hohenstein, after the vote Tuesday night, said he recommended that "the city manager contact the bug people immediately and get Mr. Baker's name put on the masthead immediately."

The district, apparently forgetting their role in a democratic (or would it be republican, in this instance) system, may STILL waste taxpayer dollars fighting Baker.

After requiring the full City Council to appoint Baker, [board president John] Fuschetti indicated Tuesday the district may not accept the council's decision.

"We may continue to proceed further in not accepting their appointment," he said.

When asked what the district may do now, Fuschetti replied, "That's up to our attorney."

The city council also found time to rename Indian Avenue to North Indian Canyon Drive

Filed under Coachella Valley | permalink | August 30, 2006 at 10:14 PM


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